Since we're in the middle of a long holiday weekend, I'll keep this missive short. This week I gave up on Tucows/Opensrs in their (slow and half-hearted) efforts to bring more CNAME and A records to my domains. I threw up my hands and I'm using Cloudflare to harbor my domain transitions from Opensrs to their final destination at Google Blogger.
I suppose I could have used something other than Blogger to write my articles, but this ordeal made it kind of imperative, you know? Stubbornness is a game for me.
I should mention I'm a reseller at Tucows/Opensrs, and that's one reason why I'm so frustrated. If one of my clients decided to use Google Blogger, what then? Oh, right. I'll direct them to Cloudflare.
The summer is coming to a close, but my garden isn't over...the watermelon seeds I captured from a watermelon I purchased at Kroger are beginning to vine out. And I plan to put more seeds in the ground for Cole crops like kale and spinach. We'll see where that goes. The garden site is plugging along, and it will be a while before Google AdSense sees any sense in investing in me until I build traffic with my articles. I'm not pushing it yet re: marketing, as I want to have about six months' worth of articles to "feed" people with.
We had so many cucumbers this year that I had to come up with some long-term recipes. In the process, I had to learn how to water bath can. So, I learned. Now we have pickle relish, pickles, and cucumber salsa canned. In the freezer, you'll find cucumber walnut bread and frozen cucumber salad. That photo above is one of my efforts at pickle relish, and it’s good. Very good.
I never thought I'd be a cook, because all four husbands cooked for me. But I missed a kitchen. My last and most favorite chef husband died nine years ago last month (it wasn’t from my cooking, obviously), and I think I've totally claimed the kitchen now. I even have my own set of spices.
In other news, my poetry is in flux, and my domains for sale are stagnating. I think I'm doing it wrong, so I'll dive more into that situation this week to ponder my options. Finally, welcome to two new subscribers (of course, they're friends!). If you feel so inclined, I wouldn't mind if you shared this site with your friends and if you all subscribed, too. Take a risk.
This long Labor Day weekend is a tribute to those who work. Paid or unpaid, part-time or full, happily or not (but hopefully happily)—you help make the world go round. Thank you and Happy Labor Day!